KDE și Canonical au colaborat de ani de zile - dovadă Kubuntu (care, din păcate, după plecarea fondatorului său, Jonathan Riddell, a devenit plin de buguri). Dar ieri, 18 august 2016, a devenit o zi mare: Canonical a intrat oficial în familia celor care susțin activ KDE e. V., alături de SuSE, Google, Blue Systems și The Qt Company și sprijină oficial dezvoltarea KDE (KDE e.V. este organizația non-profit care reprezintă comunitatea KDE în problemele legale și financiare).
Michael Hall, Ubuntu Community Manager:
"From its very beginning Canonical has been a major investor in the Free Software desktop. We work with PC manufacturers such as Dell, HP and Lenovo to ship the best Free Software to millions of desktop users worldwide. Becoming a corporate patron is the continuation of Canonical's decade-long support for KDE and Kubuntu as important members of the Ubuntu family.
Canonical will be working with the KDE community to keep making the latest KDE technology available to Ubuntu and Kubuntu users, and expanding that into making Snap packages of KDE frameworks and applications that are easily installable by users of any Linux desktop. We will benefit from sharing knowledge, experience and code around Qt and Qt packaging, pushing the advancement of QML and increasing its adoption in Unity and Ubuntu native applications alongside KDE's own work towards convergence."
Aleix Pol Gonzalez, vicepreședinte al KDE e.V., a declarat:
"We are excited to have Canonical supporting KDE's work. It is important that we make a continuous effort to work together and this is the best way to continue offering a thriving free and open development platform to build upon. We are confident that this collaboration can be very beneficial for the overall GNU/Linux community and ecosystem."
Mă bate gândul să reîncerc KDE - nu l-am testat niciodată cu Arch, fiind deosebit de mulțumit de Mate.
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